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(#193 (permalink))
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Axelle (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 6
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
05-15-2010, 07:18 PM

I am horrible about remembering when something started...I think that I found J-rock thanks to Final fantasy...through Gackt and then it was the first song was Distress and Coma and I totally fell in love with it. Then I found a chat room and forums about VK and asked for recommendations...and now a group of people always sends me some PVs and so on...

I've noticed lately that after meeting with j-rock and VK...American or british songs seem so ridiculously simple to me...that's why I prefer Jrock and VK.

And about the poll...I tell only friends. I am quite a shy person so I don't say everyone everything about me. But when someone really and honestly wants to know even though I don't know him I tell him...I live in country where people are not so opened to new things and I know the reactions of my family and neibours. I am very happy that I found great music style and I am not ashamed of it but I don't think that some people are...I must say it...stupid and don't tolerate great things because they live in stereotype and don't know anything else. So, avoiding news is normal for them...-.-
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