Thread: Drugs in Japan
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sarasi (Offline)
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05-15-2010, 11:12 PM

Originally Posted by KungMartin View Post
EVERYONE smokes weed. The person you least expect is the person who's smoking it. I bet a lot of famous people in Japan use it too, including j-rock/pop artists etc.
Maybe everyone you know. Rightly or wrongly, marijuana is seen as on a par with heroin in Japan- here, a drug is a drug. I know a few very alternative Japanese people who occasionally smoke marijuana, but they are very much in a tiny minority and they are taking quite a risk.

Have a look on the internet to see what happened to the Russian sumo wrestlers who when given blood tests were found to have used marijuana, and also the huge media uproar when a celebrity called Noriko Sakai was found to have used illegal stimulants last year. You'll see that some countries do indeed have stricter laws than others, and also very different social norms.

In China and Singapore for example, being caught smuggling drugs means execution- are they that strict in Sweden? I doubt it. Just because drugs are viewed a certain way where you come from doesn't mean you can assume it is the same everywhere else, including in other social groups in your own country, I think you'll find.

Last edited by sarasi : 05-15-2010 at 11:14 PM.
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