Thread: Drugs in Japan
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JF Ossan
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05-16-2010, 05:10 AM

Originally Posted by Tyrien View Post
To be honest I simply don't believe that. I feel that it's just not talked about.

I'm not claiming to have any first hand experience, I'm just going off intuition. Japan, like many countries, has it's traditions and cultures, but with the internet there's hardly any way I can believe the majority of Japanese citizens consider majiruana to be a "dangerous and risky behavior'. There's just far too much information on the web to counter that idea.

Granted, like any recreational drug (I'm including caffeine, Cigarettes, and Alcohol.) it's not healthy. But it's definitely not a hard drug by any classification.
I won't repeat what Nyororin said, and take her first hand experience as up-to-date and correct.

There are 10's of thousands of websites espousing the wonderful benefits of Christianity in Japanese. A google seach of キリスト教 elicits more than 3,000,000 hits. However less than 1% of the population of Japan is Christian.

There is more information in Japanese about how wonderful Christianity is than there is about how wonderful marijuana is, but still nothing close to a majority...a very very tiny minority...pick up on it and respond.

Just as it is hard for some Christians to imagine a First World and modern nation that isn't Christian, it also appears it is hard for modern marijuana users to imagine a First World and modern nation where marijuana use is not prevalent.

So please accept the fact that the majority of Japanese treat marijuana as a hard and illegal drug. Nyororin would know better than I, but in my experience it is treated the same as cocaine, heroin, or what most people in the West consider "hard drugs".

It really doesn't matter that this information is countered on the Web, just as it doesn't matter that the web is full of pro-Christian, Muslim, Hindu, information. The web is flooded with information about how amazing Justin Bieber is...that doesn't mean the majority of Japanese know who he is or believe it.

The web if flooded with information on everything.

Last edited by MMM : 05-16-2010 at 08:00 PM. Reason: fixing mistake
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