Thread: Drugs in Japan
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KungMartin (Offline)
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05-16-2010, 12:13 PM

Originally Posted by Tyrien View Post
Granted, like any recreational drug (I'm including caffeine, Cigarettes, and Alcohol.) it's not healthy. But it's definitely not a hard drug by any classification.
Actually, in the "health" aspect Alcohol and Tobacco should be classified as "hard drugs". Tobacco gives you lung cancer, and Alcohol kills your liver. Pot does NOT give you lung cancer even if you smoke it (THC lessens the effect of cancer cell formation), and it DOESN'T fry brain cells (they go to sleep in lack of a better explanation, but eventually "wake up"). Anyone who told you that is wrong. Also, after all these hundreds of years of Cannabis use, not a single death has been documented to the direct use of Cannabis (so obviously you can't get lung cancer if no one has died from smoking cannabis).

Also, Alcohol and Tobacco (and caffeine) are physically addictive. Pot isn't, it's only psychologically addictive at worst. Which is VERY rare to become, since withdrawal from Marijuana isn't a problem unlike most other drugs out there.

and contrary to popular belief the smell doesn't really sink in and linger that much.
It actually goes away pretty quickly if you've only smoked it. I usually have to like spray deodorant on my jacket (after I've been outside with a friend smoking a joint) if I've been smoking some really strong skunk weed (which has a crazy strong smell). But it goes away pretty quickly, unlike Tobacco.

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post

For an example - A former student of my husband`s university was caught in Tokyo trying to buy a small amount of marijuana in Roppongi. Not only did he get arrested, lose his job, and had his university degree removed... the information was sent out in the alumni news, and contributions he had made to various projects during the past were considered to be of no value and removed. Chances are, customers also stopped business with his company.
Damn, really? That's just fucking... overkill. Wow just wow...

There really IS no drug culture. You don`t get people going around offering their opinions about it, you don`t get sites all over dedicated to the positive benefits of some drugs, etc. There may be a few, but you`d really have to go out looking for them. And as there isn`t really much exposure - people do not. The drugs you are more likely to encounter are heroin and meth - and I say "more likely" in just that direct meaning. More likely than 0, not likely to encounter.
Yeah I was going to say Meth too since it's sort of like a party drug. Even I've taken meth and I don't like taking chemical drugs. I'd say Cocaine would be in the same league too, but heavier. Definitely has to be used in Japan to some degree=D

pz ! <3

Last edited by KungMartin : 05-16-2010 at 12:27 PM.
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