Originally Posted by KungMartin
Damn, really? That's just fucking... overkill. Wow just wow...
Overkill? No - that is what
"they have very strict laws against drugs in Japan" means. So when someone says that, it is TRUE, and not just the same as average drug laws wherever.
Yeah I was going to say Meth too since it's sort of like a party drug. Even I've taken meth and I don't like taking chemical drugs. I'd say Cocaine would be in the same league too, but heavier. Definitely has to be used in Japan to some degree=D
You totally missed what I was saying. NOT that it is common, but that if anyone runs into someone using drugs it`s more likely to be someone using meth or heroin. NOT that it is likely they will run into the drugs.
You are still looking at it through the window of your own life and experiences. You could go to a thousand parties in Japan and chances are you`d never see anything other than alcohol. Ever. There just simply is not a drug culture in Japan. There simply aren`t "party drugs" here. The culture when it comes to these things really is completely different.