Originally Posted by Nyororin
There just simply is not a drug culture in Japan. There simply aren`t "party drugs" here. The culture when it comes to these things really is completely different.
Well, I think the incidents with Noriko Sakai and Manabu Oshio last year make it clear that there is a minor drug culture in some areas of society here, and that some celebrities are well into it. In the clubs in Shibuya and Roppongi you could find 覚せい剤 (stimulants for those who don't read Japanese) if you were interested, and as I mentioned above I also know people who regularly smoke marijuana, so to say there is no drug culture at all here is inaccurate in my opinion. Marijuana use, while nothing like KungMartin was assuming it is, is a bit more widespread than you might think.
Having said that, the rest of what you have said on this thread is very accurate, and should have helped to convince other posters that smoking marijuana is not something you just get a slap on the wrist for doing here.