Thread: Drugs in Japan
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(#28 (permalink))
GoNative (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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05-18-2010, 01:55 AM

I did say in my opinion. You don't have to agree. In my little corner of Hokkaido many of the Japanese working here are doing so purely because of the foreign prescence and companies set up here. They are generally well travelled, speak english and want to work in foreign companies as they aren't too keen on the Japanese alternatives. Even so I still find them incredibly naive and ignorant of the world around them. I often engage them in conversation about politics and world events and more often than not it's a completely fruitless excercise as they have no idea what I'm talking about or just have no opinion of their own to contribute. As lovely a people as they are I find them to be very credulous. They are rarely sceptical or critical and from very early on appear to be taught to follow the status quo and conform to social norms. The individual is not really encouraged to form their own opinions and question the opinions of those who are older or in power. So you end up with a society of very same thinking people which includes their views on drugs like marijuana.

Maybe you're experience is different to mine. Maybe you're not interested in talking politics and such with your Japanese friends, I don't know. But this is my experience and is all I can base my opinions on.
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