Thread: Drugs in Japan
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JF Ossan
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05-18-2010, 03:40 AM

GoNative, just because something is your opinion doesn't mean it isn't insulting.

I agree with dirtyroboto that you are making conclusions based on faulty logic.

You are right that Japanese people tend not to make a big fuss, disagree publicly or share their opinions openly with those they do not know or trust fully. However to conclude that makes them "very credulous" would be an error. Just because they are not sharing their feelings and opinions with you does not mean they do not have feelings and opinions.

With close friends I have had long political discussions. I think the Japanese are more apathetic politically compared with some parts of the world, but the reason is they don't get to elect their prime minister, and the office changes hands incredibly often, so Japanese people know not to get too attached or excited about the PM because he will probably be gone in a few months. This doesn't make them sheeple. Many Japanese are very critical of politics in Japan, and are very frustrated by the political scandals that happen week in and week out.

They tend to be very interested in my feelings about the American president, and policies about guns and, believe it or not, drugs.

Maintaining community or group harmony is more of a priority in Japanese culture than it is in the "me-culture" of the West. This doesn't mean one cannot share their opinion, it just means it is done differently. For those in the West it is so vital to have one's voice heard, that in the end they can drown each other out. Japanese know the correct timing and means to make their opinion known. I won't even get into KY and subtle communication.

Again, I am not discounting your experiences, just disagreeing with the conclusions you have made from them.
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