Climbing Mount Fuji - Mountain Huts -
05-19-2010, 01:13 AM
I'm planning on climbing Mount Fuji with one or two friends on July 20. I mostly know how to prepare myself, though I'm unsure about our overnight stay in a mountain hut. I understand that the Japanese have their Summer holidays around this time, meaning that Fuji will be busy and spaces in the huts will be difficult to find. I've seen some websites recommending booking and others saying it's not completely necessary. In my confusion, I have decided to enquire here and seek the guidance of people with personal experience in climbing Fuji.
- Would you recommend I book for this night?
- How far in advance should I book?
- My Japanese is limited, so booking over the phone will be difficult. Does anybody know of any huts which take bookings in English?
- I could do the whole climb in one night... about how cold does the peak of Fuji get around this time of year?
Thanks in advance for your help.