Originally Posted by Paul11
That's because liberal progressives always scream racism as a defensive mechanism and a way to shame others into silence, even thought thier own "compassionate" policies creat more suffering.
Notice he does not address any solid points regarding the law I'v posted, but relies on stories.
Here's a story: I was in full uniform in the district attorney's office. I met a man who looked at me like he was seeing a ghost. The 1000 yard stare straight through me. His sone is a police officer recently murdured by an illegal alien.
Try going to Cop funerals. In arizona the illegals have been killing cops. Organized crime has infiltrated phoenix. 60 % of the homicides in AZ were committed by illegals.
Liberals always shape thier ideas and policy by emotion and no real logic. Why hasn't MMM addressed any of the points regarding the law itself I posed?
Here's a joke: What's a racist? A conserviative who's winning an argument.
Christ almighty, you can't possibly be serious with this statement.
I am not screaming racism I am calling a spade a spade. Did you read your buddy, West's statements? He said sacrifices need to be made by those that look like illegal immigrants.
Notice how I do what? Number your questions and I will address every one I haven't addressed yet. Feel free to address mine, too.
This isn't a black and white issue. I am not the stereotype you want to make me out to be.
I am not defending cop killing, organized crime, drug trafficking or human smuggling. All of those are illegal activities that this law doesn't even address, much less help to enforce.
What I am defending is the right of American citizens to travel and live freely as American citizens.
The question seems to be "What does an illegal alien look like?" and I think you need to answer first "what does an American citizen look like?"
If you are saying American citizens should be presumed to be guilty before innocent in terms of their citizenship, then own up to that.