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(#250 (permalink))
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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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Join Date: Jun 2007
05-19-2010, 09:00 AM

I redefined my quote in the quote you quoted me (but I misspelled "saw" as "say".)

What I would like to know is what defines "suspicion" if "race" is not a factor.

You say it is "well laid out in the courts with a very common and agreed apon meaning."

Please break it down for me.

You also say "This is how bad guys get off on technicalities, often. In the prelim the defense picks apart the officer and his investigation in attempt to make the officer appear incompetent or immoral."

If this is a regular practice it sounds like the officers and investigations need to be revamped so this doesn't happen.

You can call me an ignoramus, but if hard criminals are getting away because investigators and police officers are botching investigations, then that is a problem.

Incompetency and immorality are two aspects I have not talked about. I don't know if these are major issues, and I am not going to say that they are. I am just saying...again...that American citizens living in or traveling Arizona shouldn't lose the ability to do so.
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