Originally Posted by Gizorz
So, we have learned a new grammatical structure in Japanese class a while ago, but I never really understood it and my teacher failed to properly explain it to me.
My textbook (Minna no Nihongo II) states it like this:
て-form みます
I'll think it over again.
I want to see the earth from space (to know how it looks).
May I try on this pair of trousers?
The sentences all seem very different to me. Someone explained it to me as "trying something" or "seeing how something is", but that doesn't go for the first sentance right?
I would be really happy if someone could help me on this.
That person was correct. The first sentence is literally "I will try [to see how it is] thinking about it again."
たべてみます。I will try out [that food].
ビールを飲んでみました。 I tried beer [to see what it tastes like].