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clintjm (Offline)
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05-19-2010, 10:14 PM

Originally Posted by JayT View Post
Oh I do not have a LED Television, I was just stating that talking about a 'technological breakthrough' that's years old is somewhat out of place. Especially considering on how many breakthroughs are being made in different fields of science and technology these days.

I personally never watch television or do anything that requires one, it seems like laptops have taken over for me.
Last I checked, unless you have a pretty new expensive laptop, that is an LCD you are using with a laptop. I don't watch TV much either. I haven't even got cable to tell you the truth. But when I have to work with something detailed on a computer that requires the advantages I listed for the CRT, a giant CRT computer display is the way to go. LCD not so much.

Just make sure your desk is solid wood and not particle board. ^^/
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