Originally Posted by MMM
My problem is as I described above. People of color can be expected to carry a different level of ID that "non-suspicious" (i.e. white) people wouldn't. That is my only issue with this kind of legislation.
Okay... you are officially out of your mind or are just making stuff up in order to further your point against asking for basic ID the state would have the power to do.
Take your, as you wrote, "rich non-suspicious "white" and poor suspicious "brown"" stereotypes and racial prejudices out of this thread or I'll have to speak with the moderator.
Race is not written into the bill. This state law only mirrors the federal law.
The Federal law is still sound, just not being enforced.
Originally Posted by MMM
****** almighty
I am calling a spade a spade.
This isn't a black and white issue.
"Calling a spade a spade" use of the word "spade" as an ethnic slur against African-Americans... so I wouldn't use it for making a point against not making something a racial issue.
Also can you try not to take the Lord's name in vain.