Originally Posted by Ryzorian
MMM, this Arizona law is us immigration law, thats it..minus the actual confinement to "profileing" in the state version that the federal version doesn't actually have..The fed's can actually profile.( since it doesn't specify that they can't.)
Besides, you answered your own question...99.9% of the lawbreakers..( they are illegal, thus lawbreakers.) Are hispanic/Mexican. So 99.9% of those checked, arrested and deported will be Hispanic/Mexican. That's not "profileing" persay so much as it's just how it is.
If I grow nothing but corn and you check out my field..you are 99.9% likely to find corn...amazeing how that works.
Honestly, if you were looking for a member of the KKK..would you "look for a white person"? or a black person?, how bout a asian? Now remember, if you say white person, that's "profileing" cause it doesn't matter if 99.9% of KKK members are white.
If you really consider the argument being made by those who are apposed to this law, it just sounds silly. You should be apposed to US law too, since it's basically the same law..minus the anti profileing section the Arizona law has..as I mentioned earlier.
It isn't going to be Nazi's asking for papers everywhere you go, that's dumb. (Arizona doesn't have enough manpower for that.)
Last things first, I am not the one that made the comparison to Nazis. It has now been referred to more than once by supporters of the law on this thread. This is not the argument I am making.
But I am confused by your argument.
If 99.9% of illegal immigrants are hispanic, then how can this law function if "reasonable suspicion" does not profile by race.
According to the posts here, this law DOES NOT ALLOW "reasonable suspicion" by race (in this case Hispanic/Latino). So if that is not allowed, and 99.9% of the violators are Hispanic/Latino, then how are they determining additional questions of a legally approached individual about legality in the US?