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Nyororin (Offline)
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05-22-2010, 11:19 AM

Originally Posted by RobinMask View Post
Ah, thank you for explaining. I can see why in that case keeping cool would be such a priority; having experienced such tempretures in Greece for a holiday it was hard to cope with, I can certainly appreciate now why it'd be very hard to live with. I actually had no idea the weather in Japan could be between 30-40, I always assumed that level of heat was reserved only in places in the south, like Okinawa. Again, thank you for educating me on the matter
No problem. I would love, honestly, to have UK temperatures here. It was 31 yesterday, 29 today, and it`s still May. *sigh* I`m much more comfortable in the 15~25 range for summer.

That said, it`s still not to the point where I feel the need for air conditioning. That will come later... With a vengeance.

Okinawa actually isn`t as hot as one would expect with it being in the south - the temperatures tend to be mild from what I understand, with a warm winter but not overly hot summer.
A comparison; Naha, Okinawa
And around where I live; Nagoya
Scroll down to see the average temperatures through the year.

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Last edited by Nyororin : 05-22-2010 at 11:22 AM.
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