Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
Here's my "clothes label" guess (abbreviated form and also a wild guess to test my abilities): 洗濯機挿入禁止
I'd love to have a native chime in on their opinion of my all-kanji attempt (tried to go for something that could be printed on a clothes label of a form like 駐車禁止 for "NO PARKING" signs).
By far the most natural all-kanji phrase for a label would be:
禁止 is way too heavy a word for this. This is not about a law.
挿入 doesn't mean "inserting tangible things as clothes". It means inserting a song into a scene in a drama or inserting an illustration into a book. Another meaning is inserting with some effort something into a space that is barely large enough. In another words, it doesn't mean "tossing something into someplace".