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(#655 (permalink))
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Decen (Offline)
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05-27-2010, 01:28 AM

I don't think I would use infliction like that unless I am being a smart ass. English isn't like French or Japanese where a change of tone changes the meaning of what your saying. Besides that, I don't think its necessary to teach somebody who is new to western sarcasm how to sound sarcastic.

Yuri, all you have to worry about is phrasing it like a question and you will get the response that answers your question. If they were going to the store and went to the arcade instead they might say "oh yeah, the arcade sounded like more fun and i picked up some milk from the convenience store." or if they sent somebody else, "yeah, George went. I'll stay here." or if they didn't go, "No i didn't." There is no rule in English that says If I emphasize one word I'm looking for a specific response. Just speak naturally and you will be understood.
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