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(#21 (permalink))
RickOShay (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 604
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: USA, formerly Shizuoka for 7 years.
05-27-2010, 01:35 AM

Originally Posted by Brass View Post
Sorry, I didn't mean to get your guys panties in a bunch. I thought this forum would be somewhat sympathetic to my feelings on America but I guess I was wrong. I guess I watch too many movies and TV shows about "traditional japan" of that makes any sense and I am brainwashed as to what the reality is.

I still want to visit Japan but I guess moving there isn't really the cure to my ailes from society. Maybe I'm looking for something that doesn't exist outside of a third world country. Ideally I would probably like to live in the Japanese countryside or maybe in a small urban center with a Japanese wife (inb4haters). And no I'm not looking for some traditional submissive Japanese housewife or some kind of japanophile fantasy, just normal wife to start a family with.

And yes I do live in Southern California and yes I am the dude that posted the thread awhile back about dating the single mom. I'm no longer dating her per say, but still see her every now and then (her choice, not mine).
I think people have been a bit too hard on you in this thread, you simply asked some questions. However, your ideas are somewhat misguided. Basically what everybody said so far is true, there are superficial people and non-superficial people in every country, and location makes a HUGE difference. I am from Nebraska (though I live in Japan).. and this superficial attitude you talk about is how many people from Nebraska view people in southern California, Miami etc..

So of course, you are going to be surrounded by lots of superficial people, it is part of the culture in that section of the country, if you move to Tokyo you will probably encounter a lot of the same crap.

However, you need to also consider that maybe you are a bit too picky? Perhaps you are idolizing these "beautiful" people you are surrounded by? Wanting to find that one girl that has it all, but likes you for you and nothing else??

Also this Japanese wife you seem to be hoping for.. well.. you already seem to be laying down too many rules for her. Not to mention how do you know you will even be able to be happy living in the countryside of Japan for the long term? It really does take a certain breed of person, so you should be very prepared to deal with a whole slew of things that might bother you quite a bit.

And even in my small town of 100,000 people I see women of all ages walking around with designer bags etc.. I do not believe it is because they are superficial people though. I think superficiality in Japan and in America have different thresholds and standards.

When you come to Japan the very first thing you need to do is try to learn and understand all things from a Japanese point of view, if you judge Japan solely by your standards and culture, I think you will become dismayed and disappointed. Anyhow that is my two cents for you.
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