Originally Posted by MMM
But you aren't really going to ask me to believe that apology above is something you would really say in an actual conversation is it?
Okay, we need to back up. I'm going to presume "you" is proverbial here, and not addressed to me specifically. I'm not sure you read everything between my response you posted above and now, because the unsuitability of that "apology" was already addressed.
You are absolutely right that the "but" negates the apology. I even said so in the previous post. But implies justification, which implies lack of guilt, and that negates any acceptance of guilt.
I did say I was trying to reformulate the apology MissMisa wrote, and I clearly failed. I have said earlier it was a bad example. I have also previously admitted that such an apology as the one above is unrealistic.
Please go back and consider my "schedule" apology which is far more realistic.