Originally Posted by andydob27
Does anyone know the name/address of the Hanshin Tigers sushi bar in Tennoji, Osaka? It was featured on 'No Reservations' a while back. The dates I will be in Osaka this summer; the Tigers are on the road. I figured a lively sushi bar while watching the game would be the next best thing. If you want to keep this secret, let me know at [email protected] I won't tell a soul.
You said sushi, so I figure this one is probabbly it.
店名 吾作亭 アポロ店 (ごさくてい)
ジャンル 寿司、魚介料理・海鮮料理
TEL 06-6633-5391
住所 大阪府大阪市阿倍野区阿倍野筋1-5-31 アポロビル 10F
交通手段 地下鉄御堂筋線天王寺駅 徒歩2分/JR天王寺駅 徒歩2分/地下鉄谷町線天王寺駅 徒歩2分
営業時間 12:00~14:00(L.O.13:45) 16:00~22:00 土・日・祝 12:00~23:00
定休日 無