Originally Posted by MissMisa
Is that so? Every other school around here does all that. Maybe that's just this area then or something. Sounds pretty lucky you didn't have an annoying seating plan D: But I wouldn't wanna be with all the guys, ew. LOL.
I went to a state school (aka, one you DON'T pay for, public, private, blah blah blah are terms that are confusing) It's the most average school you'll get, slap bang in the middle of the league tables, in the middle for the area, in the middle for money spent on it. *Shrug* I just presumed that since all of my friends from other schools are the same it was just a regulation thing in England. My friend who goes to a private school (one you DO pay for) has the same thing. Segregated PE classes, and boy/girl seating. (He is down South, I'm up North)
Actually, come to think of it, you could choose whether or not to be 'segregated'. If you picked GCSE PE, then boys and girls were mixed. Everyone else was just in girl and boy groups because they didn't really care about PE. It wasn't strict though to be honest, if the guys were playing football and we were doing something else, you could just go and join them if you wanted to. To be honest, it seems like it was done for practical reasons rather than anything else. It's easier for them to just say - girls over there, boys over there, instead of fiddling around with alphabetical orders and all that. (PE teachers are lazy  Lol I so hated PE.)
Yeah, I went to a public school as well! It had a pretty decent reputation, but I think it was still near the middle of the league tables! Only thing I can say with certainty was that, it wasn't the best, and it wasn't the worst, lol.
In my area, all the private schools were single sex schools, so our topic doesn't come into it.
I think there were good and bad things about the mixing for PE. For one, that's where I changed my mind about girls' abilities. Before playing basketball with girls, I always thought that girls were "weaker" at sports than boys. But I found that some girls were bad-ass and were running circles around us boys lol. But on the negative side, the boys were less serious and didn't play properly when there were girls. They always wanted to flirt or something!
To be honest, I think the best thing to do, is mix PE class but have levels. So, the best play together, the worst together. Just like they did in all the other subjects! I spent 1 week in the worst math group there was, and I wanted to kill myself! When they moved me up to a better group with everyone having the same level, I felt like I was learning!