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JF Old Timer
Posts: 145
Join Date: Mar 2008
I have a Bachelors degree....I can work in Japan now? - 05-28-2010, 07:33 AM

I'm in a situation here....I know I will resolve it soon but I'm also here for some advice.

1. I have a bachelor's degree in Economics from a 4 year university ( a good university too)
2. Now, I'm a American citizen but I'm Chinese
3. I speak fluent Chinese and English
4. I don't think I can get a English teaching job because I'm not white
5. I have "affiliations" in Japan ( I mean a sponsor)
6. My Japanese is.....I don't know....I can read and write with no problem...listening and speaking is okay I guess (I mean I can read manga and watch anime without subs...that type of thing)


I want to get a job in Tokyo......

what are the chances??
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