Travel Questions -
05-28-2010, 03:22 PM
My parents and I would like to go to Japan for a month, mostly in Tokyo and Kyoto, and I had a few questions.
First, if we were in Kyoto for example and we just wanted to wander around and explore, would it be a good idea to have a GPS with us to keep from getting lost? I have read that street signs are often hard to find. If so, would we need to purchase a GPS from Japan or could we use one we bought in the U.S. ?
Secondly, what would be the most inexpensive way to eat? We would probably be staying at a youth hostel that includes breakfast, or provides breakfast inexpensively. Would bento and ramen be easiest and cheapest? Would it be cheaper to go to a grocery store and make our own food in a kitchen at our accommodation than eating out?