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JF Ossan
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05-28-2010, 11:36 PM

Originally Posted by superabbytcs View Post
My parents and I would like to go to Japan for a month, mostly in Tokyo and Kyoto, and I had a few questions.

First, if we were in Kyoto for example and we just wanted to wander around and explore, would it be a good idea to have a GPS with us to keep from getting lost? I have read that street signs are often hard to find. If so, would we need to purchase a GPS from Japan or could we use one we bought in the U.S. ?

Secondly, what would be the most inexpensive way to eat? We would probably be staying at a youth hostel that includes breakfast, or provides breakfast inexpensively. Would bento and ramen be easiest and cheapest? Would it be cheaper to go to a grocery store and make our own food in a kitchen at our accommodation than eating out?
You do not need to buy a GPS, but if you have one that works in Japan, then it can't hurt. It's not easy to get lost in Kyoto, as there are maps all around, and you can ask for directions to anyplace as long as you know where you want to go.

Why would you go all the way to Japan to eat like a poor student? Instead of spending a month, spend two weeks and eat heartily. Two weeks is more than enough time to see everything you would want to see in Kyoto and Tokyo (and include a couple more cities on top of that as well).

Sushi prices range...there is no "general price". It depends on the restaurant.
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