Conceptual Doubt
Posts: 507
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: ポルトガル
05-30-2010, 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by MMM
You will understand please, Colin, why I removed the link. If people want to track it down then they will. And yes, it does sadden me, but it points to the problem of the present culture especially among the young that "everything should be free".
I don't want to go to into this as this isn't on topic (maybe I will move these posts to a new thread). But I think it is easier for the music industry to adapt than the comics industry.
Part of the problem is that because of the nature of the system, scanlations appear online before American publishers have even licensed a title. It is harder to issues CaD letters when you don't own the license. Good publishers do actively issue CaD letters to copyright violators, but it is a timely and expensive operation that not all publishers can afford to the extent they would like.
I am going to disagree with you here. The value of the manga and anime has been reduced to $0.00. You can't compete when you are charging more than that.
Many people are willing to pay...if not then there would be no industry...but that does excuse the stealing of content. I explained that above, and the industry is starting to explore ways to beat the timing issue. However, that doesn't excuse the act of stealing. You are talking about not capitalism, but post-apocolyptic capitalism on a non-post apocolyptic world. It is the Wild West on the Internet and you have a generation of manga "fans" that do not read books, but off their computers.
Make it is easy to pay for content as it is to steal it, and people will still steal it, still. People who want to pay for manga want to buy books. People who steal read them online. Will people pay to read them online? Maybe some would. I wouldn't.
Not paying regardless is an empty argument. They are stealing content instead of doing SOMETHING else. That something else could be going to a movie, buying a video game, etc.
Inb4 Obvious sarcasm.
Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like.