05-31-2010, 01:13 AM
Kyle, not that I disagree with you or anything, but just for the record he said he grew up in Hong Kong. I'm assuming you're right about him growing up with English, but he also apparently grew up with Chinese. That might put more truth behind his claim that Japanese is easier, but that doesn't apply to everyone, as you have clearly pointed out.
With that aside, this is quite a generalization, but Chinese people don't have the best pronunciation in Japanese in my experience, suggesting that pronunciation doesn't come natural to them either (us being people from primarily English speaking countries). With that in mind, aside from Kanji and a few words that are similar, I'm not even sure that his claim that Japanese is easier than European Languages would even apply to himself especially seing as how he gerw up with English too.
Out of curiosity, how many languages do you speak (and are actually comfortable with speaking/understanding) Sakaeyellow?