Thread: chopsticks
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(#7 (permalink))
RickOShay (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 604
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: USA, formerly Shizuoka for 7 years.
05-31-2010, 07:39 AM

Umm... I think this person is asking about how chopsticks should be placed when they are not in use. To answer your question. I believe chopsticks are usually placed on a small holder as a pair near the bottom of a dinner placement set up. So they sit horizontally and not vertically as they would if they were placed on the right or left side.

Either that or you are asking if it is ok to eat with two pairs at the same time. In which case the answer is definitely NO.

Last edited by RickOShay : 05-31-2010 at 07:41 AM.
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