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(#36 (permalink))
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Sashimister (Offline)
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06-01-2010, 03:44 AM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
How are 税関 and 関税 different? Both are some variation on "customs" like the thing you go through when importing products into your country, right?
Not right. That's the definition of 税関 only.

関税 means "tariffs".

The last kanji is the base meaning of the word.
is a checkpoint.
is a tax.

Both 即座に and 即時に mean "immediately," but is there any time difference between them?
There is a huge overlap in the meanings. I don't believe there is any time difference between them.

The biggest and most important difference I can think of is that 即座 cannot be followed by another kanji word while 即時 can.

e.g. 即時撤退= immediate withdrawal, 即時取り引き= a direct transaction, 即時払い= cash on the spot, etc.

即座 is mostly used for an adjective with の or an adverb with に.
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