Originally Posted by Misericordias
What should I be aware of when I interact with other Japanese students? Are there also any other things that I should be careful of in Japan?
I think that you really have little to worry about - the students will most definitely, without a doubt, be entirely aware that you are not Japanese and will not expect you to know any of those cultural nuances and mannerisms. Just be polite to everyone and you should have no problems. If you become close enough to anyone to treat them like a friend, then they will surely be happy to help you should you make any social gaffes.
However, my mom says that although Japan is a safe city, there are still news of kidnappings that occur in Japan, especially among foreigners who are unwary of their surroundings. Being a 6'2" male, I doubt this particular problem would be relevant to me, but I still wonder.
Kidnapping of foreigners? I don`t recall any... There have been two murders of white women in the past 15 or so years that I can recall - one an English teacher, the other a model or hostess or the like - but those were sexually motivated, not really "kidnapping a foreigner". I can`t really think of any cases that would be considered "kidnapping". Perhaps your mother is mistaking Japan for another country? There have been issues with women from other countries being brought to Japan to work in the sex industry (a form of kidnapping), so that could be something she is thinking of.
I am also quite worried about my physical appearance. All the exchange students I have met were some of the nicest people I have met, but I am still worried about whether or not I will be ostracized in Japan due to my height, since a couple of my friends told me Japanese people tend to be shorter than the people in my country.
It`s tendency, really. There aren`t that many really tall people - but at the same time, they aren`t so rare as to shocking. There is a guy working at the local grocery store who is 7' something - he gets some surprise, it seems, but I doubt 6'2" will cause problems.
Also, should I worry about me being Korean? I understand Japan is a fairly homogeneous society and there are a number of Koreans living in Japan, but since the bad blood between the two nationalities have boiled over, I don't really have to worry about people ridiculing me (openly or not) based on my nationality, right?
Openly ridiculing you? Nope. But you may find the rare old guy who hates Korea, or the rare long term resident Korean who thinks you are a traitor for being friendly to Japan, etc etc. It`s a very small minority, but as is usually the case - the most vocal. I think the general attitude is that people believe Japan is hated very much by Korea and Koreans, so people sort of take offense at that and are on the defensive. But you aren`t a generic "Korean" - you`re a person, and people will talk to and treat you like a person.
I think food will also pose as a problem for me. Where are the best places that I can get cheap foodstuffs, such as fresh produce and meats?
You should be able to find plenty of grocery stores. Japan has a pretty strong culture of cooking for the family, not relying too much on preprepared things or fast food, so you can usually find ingredients with ease. Cheap packaged food is harder.
Would it also be best to invest in a bike in Japan too?
Most likely, yes. I would wait and see exactly where you are living first - but there are very few cases where having one wouldn`t make life much easier. Even if you`re out in the middle of nowhere with nothing in cycling distance, you will still probably want one to get to the train station.