Originally Posted by komitsuki
Being a South Korean myself, getting rid of the American military in Asia will make the whole region stable. As you know, any pro-American South Korean politician is a huge threat to South Korea but also to domestic Chinese and Japanese foreign policies. East Asia needs a stronger Russia, not America. America shouldn't be in the East Asian diplomatic picture.
Funny that I noticed this in South Korean news websites, they also blame PM Hatoyama for "pissing off" Russia.
Hopefully the next Japanese Prime Minister wouldn't offend Medvedev and Putin.
If not for the US military in the region then there is a real risk China could invade Taiwan and that North Korea could invade South Korea. I support getting rid of the US bases on Okinawa because the Okinawans overwhelmingly dont want them there but I recognise the practical need for US forces in East Asia.
As for what East Asia needs. What East Asia needs is a China that recognises and respects the soveriegnty of Taiwan as an independent nation-state (as well as Tibet), a North Korea that feeds its people and lets them speak freely and a Japan that can stand up to the United States.