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(#12 (permalink))
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Misericordias (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 46
Join Date: Jun 2010
06-03-2010, 07:46 AM

The person who represented the college I will be studying in said that some of the professors go fishing from time to time. I would really like to go fishing with them, but I am afraid that there will be some major hurdles to overcome (such as age, for one) before I can go fishing with the professors. I know US professors, once you reach a certain level of familiarity, can become very amicable and nonchalant about many things, but how would I go about fishing with my professors? Is that just something out of my realm?

There's also the question about drinking. I understand Japan to be a drinking culture (please correct me if I am wrong), but I don't drink due to personal reasons. Would it be rude for me to decline an offer for a drink or would it be best just to accept it and hope that the other people are inebriated enough to not notice I haven't drunk any alcohol?

Thank you once again for answering my questions!
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