06-03-2010, 07:26 PM
Hello! Isashiburini,
I need an help!
I know it's not correct, I would like to know what there's written?
PS: I don't understand the word "yume-san" it's not the name of someone, why there's the 'san' attached?
CRYは色恋沙汰に影響されてしかもちょっとお茶目化して きたTakumiさんへのジョー
"Cry" was influenced by a love affair, yet nevertheless its playful
nature comes from increased jokes directed at Takumi-san.
どうやら私が使った「色恋沙汰」と夢さんが思う「色恋 沙汰」の概念が違うよう
Somehow the "love affair" I used and the concept of a "love affair" that
Yume-san???? thought of were different. ??????
夢さんがどのような感じ方をされたかこのコメントから では分かり兼ねますが、
CRYを軽視した言い回しとして用いた意向は毛頭ありませ ん。
Although it's difficult for Yume-san??? to understand how I feel from this
comment, it's not in the least intended as a slight of CRY.
その点、与して頂けば幸いです。In that respect, if he supports it I would
be happy.
このような言葉にピンときて意見をおっしゃるというこ とは、かなりTakumiさんを
今後もなにかございましたら、ご意見、ご感想いただけ ればと思います。
When these words strike home and you express your views, suppose that Takumi-san is a fairly important person .??????
Thank you so much in advance!
Last edited by munzy : 06-03-2010 at 07:42 PM.