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06-04-2010, 03:11 AM

Originally Posted by munzy View Post
Hello! Isashiburini,
I need an help!
I know it's not correct, I would like to know what there's written?

PS: I don't understand the word "yume-san" it's not the name of someone, why there's the 'san' attached?
It's ひさしぶり, not いさしぶり.

What makes you think that 夢さん is not a person? S/He ponders on love and makes comments!!

CRYは色恋沙汰に影響されてしかもちょっとお茶目化して きたTakumiさんへのジョー
"Cry" was influenced by a love affair, yet nevertheless its playful
nature comes from increased jokes directed at Takumi-san.
Maybe. Problem is that this writer is poor at his use of punctuations and, because of that, the phrase can mean two entirely different things.

Your translation is one. The other one is "CRY increasingly joked about Takumi who had been influenced by a love affair and become playful."

I would say that the secnd interpretation was correct. Otherwise, the use of しかも wouldn't make much sense.


どうやら私が使った「色恋沙汰」と夢さんが思う「色恋 沙汰」の概念が違うよう
Somehow the "love affair" I used and the concept of a "love affair" that
Yume-san???? thought of were different. ??????

夢さんがどのような感じ方をされたかこのコメントから では分かり兼ねますが、
CRYを軽視した言い回しとして用いた意向は毛頭ありませ ん。
Although it's difficult for Yume-san??? to understand how I feel from this
comment, it's not in the least intended as a slight of CRY.
You didn't get the structure right.

"It's difficult to know from this comment how Yume-san felt, but it wasn't intended to be the slighting of CRY."

その点、与して頂けば幸いです。In that respect, if he supports it I would
be happy.
Who is he?

"I would be happy if you agreed with me."

このような言葉にピンときて意見をおっしゃるというこ とは、かなりTakumiさんを
今後もなにかございましたら、ご意見、ご感想いただけ ればと思います。
When these words strike home and you express your views, suppose that Takumi-san is a fairly important person .??????
That is far off.

"I would have to say that if someone instinctively felt something about this kind of word and offered an opinion, that person must really value Takumi's presence. I'm looking forward to receiving any comments and opinions from now on as well."
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