Originally Posted by manganimefan227
very true . . .
Alright, thank you everyone for your advice, I'm going to wait a little until I'm a little more confident of my speaking befroe I try ^_^
EDIT: As for them being Japanese? I'm one of the majority who can't specify beyond Asian -.-
I've encountered many Japanese restaurants in the U.S. which were mainly staffed by Chinese, Koreans, or Vietnamese. In fact I usually assume that a U.S. Japanese restaurant is run by non-Japanese until I have reason to believe otherwise. It's not a bad rule in my area, since ethnic Chinese tend to outnumber other East Asian immigrants here, and it's pretty clear that people in the restaurant business are more interested in what they think will sell than in sticking to their own ethnic cuisine.
However, there is a simple question you might ask before trying out your Japanese skills on a restaurant staff member; have you already heard the person speaking Japanese in the restaurant? If so, it may not matter what their ethnicity is, as you already know they use the language. If not, then it's probably a bad idea to assume they know it. If you can't tell what language they're speaking, then maybe you should strengthen your own Japanese skills a bit more first.