Tired Philosopher...
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06-06-2010, 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by KentsGurl
Ok so i started watching Fruits Basket and got hooked, only thing is, i've never read the manga and i have friend's telling me that the manga is ALOT different then the actual anime. Can anyone clear this up for me please. I'm tierd of being confused 
Yes, the anime only covers the first 8 manga. I believe (in America) there is 21 right now, and I believe the 22nd is the last book (but I haven't read the 21st yet so...) So, yes, you are missing out on a whoooooolllllle lot, KentsGurl-san. If you liked the anime, you really should read the manga. It's a lot deeper and surprising. I highly recommend you obtain the books
 I'm pretty content with life right now....For the most part, anyway....Well, at least, I'm pretty sure I am....