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samurai007 (Offline)
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06-06-2010, 11:12 PM

I live in northern California, and I've seen plenty of Acer products, but not HTC.

What happened is Japan has been going through a very loooong recession, and businesses in a recession tend to slow down and cut back on things like R&D, or turning inventions into new products (because if a new product fails, it'll hurt the company). So they tended to stick with what they know, and make slight tweaks and changes rather than do something totally new and innovative, but risky.

And an example of that is right in MMM's post:

Originally Posted by MMM
I am playing Tekken 6 on my PS3 on a Sony HDTV and am wondering what in the world you are talking about.
Version 6 of a game, on version 3 of a game system, on a Sony TV, which is what they are known for. And a lot of games from Japan are known and successful franchises that they keep bringing out stuff for because it's "safe". Mario Bros, Final Fantasy, all the fighting games, etc... The fact that there is Tekken 6 or FF9 instead of "New and different 1" is itself a sign of lack of real innovation. And it's not because the Japanese can't do it, it's because of the economy and a "let's hunker down, play it safe, and hope this all blows over eventually" corporate mentality.

JET Program, 1996-98, Wakayama-ken, Hashimoto-shi

Link to pictures from my time in Japan
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