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TalnSG (Offline)
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06-07-2010, 04:01 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Those police certainly have the right to protest the policies of the business. They can choose not to go there and buy coffee. They can choose to write letters to the local paper, and they can choose to tell their friends of the store's policy.

However, what they should not choose is not do their job as diligently as they pledged to do just because they don't agree with the businesses policies. Then they make themselves as bad, if not worse, as the business itself.
Having lived in towns where there were som problems with police abusing their authority, I know what its like to feel uncomfortable when they walk into a business. But the tensions and reputations are not helped by simply removing someone who makes you uncomfortable. It didn't work when racial segregation was legal and it won't work in this case.

The owner needs to treat the officers like any other customer and set a better example for his customers. Then the customers would have a better chance of knowing who on the force to trust when they need them.

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