Originally Posted by Aniki
The video doesn't have any particular connection with the cafe incident besides the fact the any cop whether he's on duty or not can be a potential trouble. A cop is just another customer, and the owner has a right to kick him out, just like any other customer if he has his reasons. The 7 & 8 segments of the video made me understand why the owner would want the officer to leave.
Also, I recommend watching all 6 parts. They have even more shocking footages.
Any person in any job can be potential trouble. There is corruption and simply "bad people" in any industry, and law enforcement is no exception. However that seems like a pretty weak excuse to exclude ALL members of that profession from your business. Certainly the owner has the right to make that decision, as long as it isn't based on race, etc. that are protected. And I have the right to say I think that makes him look foolish.