Originally Posted by koolk
There is another meaning for that sentence. This sentence is too early in the novel to know how Nick feels about the people. This 2nd meaning could be the one that Nick is referring to.
Another meaning:
Curious Natures could refer to interesting wild animals. Nick could imply that these people are similar to watching monkeys in the jungle or at the zoo. Nick could feel that he is better then these animals and sometimes finds them interesting.
Hi, koolk.
I see. He sometimes watched people just like watching animals and he felt it interesting. This is understandable.
English is not different between 20th and 21st Century. Fitzgerald wrote about rich people in this book, so they talk like rich people. You would sound very educated if you write English that way.
Thank you very much for helping!
Hello, I may not understand English very well and I may lack words but I will try to understand you.
If you have questions about my post or Japanese customs, don't hesitate to ask.
