Originally Posted by mousee09
Wow really???? my college does not start until late september 27 to beginning of August 2011.
Have you already purchase your plane tickets already? I going to buy a one way ticket. studentuniverse.com is a nice cheap flight site for people who are under 25 years old
What classes are you plannning on taking?
Yeah, I double checked an the fall semester starts August 30, so if I'm accepted I guess I'll try and get in around August 20 because I forgot I need to take some placement exams and other formalities.
I haven't bought a ticket yet because I don't know if I got in, but if I do then I'm planning on buying an open ended ticket. I don't know if I'm allowed to stay in Japan over the summer on a student visa if I'm not taking classes, but with an open ended ticket, I can have the option to either leave the country or get a refund on my return ticket if I'm allowed to stay.
Because I'm changing my major from International Business to International Relations, I assume I'll just be replacing my Accounting and Marketing classes with Political Science and some type of Cultural Studies. Then I'll be studying Japanese, of course.
Because I've already spent two years in college, finishing my core classes, the rest of what I'll be doing in Japan will be classes towards my major and some electives, which will be great!