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JF Ossan
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06-09-2010, 03:36 AM

Originally Posted by steven View Post
I'm not quite sure what all the fuss is about here... sure some names are quite impossible to write in Kanji, but that's where you just have to get creative. Like for a tee sound you can use 茶 and stuff like that.

And with all due respect to younger people, some of their names are very hard to read as well (kanji wise).

You can always do a hybrid thing like ボブ三郎 or something like that.

I wouldn't think this is anything to get offended about... quite the contrary I think it's all in good fun. I think it's a nice gesture from the topic creator and maybe everyone pood all over it from the start.
My point is kanji are not LEGO blocks you can use as toys to build whatever you want. If that gets people into Japanese, then fine, but eventually they are going to have to learn that this is not how Japanese people see kanji.

Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery View Post
There's actually kind of a weird coincidence with my name, "Dylan."
Dylan is a name of Welsh decent which has several loose translations such as "of the sea," or "son of the sea," etc.

There are some variations for Kanji with the name Dylan, and some of the ones I've seen are:

1: 海: Sea
2: 嵐: Storm (as the second kanji to make up Dylan, the other being 慈, mercy/merciful).

So apparently the actual origin of my name and a few potential kanji that can make up my name both deal with water.
Given 1000 chances, never would I come up with the pronunciation of "Dylan" from those two kanji. That's my point.

You can spell your name Paul as S-T-E-V-E but no one is going to pronounce it "Paul".
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