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(#56 (permalink))
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Sashimister (Offline)
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06-09-2010, 05:59 AM

Originally Posted by steven View Post
I'm not quite sure what all the fuss is about here... sure some names are quite impossible to write in Kanji, but that's where you just have to get creative. Like for a tee sound you can use 茶 and stuff like that.

And with all due respect to younger people, some of their names are very hard to read as well (kanji wise).

You can always do a hybrid thing like ボブ三郎 or something like that.

I wouldn't think this is anything to get offended about... quite the contrary I think it's all in good fun. I think it's a nice gesture from the topic creator and maybe everyone pood all over it from the start.
You don't get offended probably because it isn't your language. Check your own foreign registration card to see if it says ボブ三郎. If it does, Japan must be the country with the best sense of humor.

If this thread were meant to be just fun and games, then OP sure hasn't explained it anywhere and it's certainly placed in the wrong section as this is the Japanese Language Help section. To me, the thread has been neither very educational nor informative. Members with good intentions are getting "names" that basically no one in Japan can read or even recognize as names.
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