Thread: Summer Pop Quiz
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06-09-2010, 06:10 AM

やっと出ました!組長からの seasonal pop quiz!Guess more people will take this quiz as it's posted in here

わたしも参加します!大好きな組長を応援するのために ~


1. In Japan, we often eat cold meals in the summer. What is the name of the noodle dish in this pic?

冷や麦 hiyamugi (Japanese cold noodle)

2. Shaved ice is immensely popular here. What kind of milk is used to make flavors like "Strawberry Milk" in shaved ice?

I guess it's condensed milk? 日本語では「練乳」だったっけ?

3. What kind of tea is most commonly consumed in Japanese homes in the summer that is almost always served ice cold?

麦茶です!(Japanese barley tea)

4. What do many Japanese eat on Doyo No Ushi No Hi and why?

I don't know what Doyo No Ushi no Hi is but I know Japanese eat うなぎ丼 in summer. (grilled eel)

5. Why is summer generally regarded as the worst season among sushi lovers in Japan?

Sushi -> Fish -> Fishing... I guess there is "fishing suspension" in Japan? Or is it because summer is the typhoon season in Japan?

6. Name a few popular summer festival food items.


7. Besides red, what is the color of the inside of water melons that you may encounter in Japan?

Yellow? I saw it once in an asian supermarket here. I also heard there's "square-shaped" watermelons in Japan.


8. When a Japanese-speaker names the four seasons in a row for any purpose, what place does "summer" come in out of the four?


9. What's your favorite summer-related word in Japanese?

「七夕」です。そして「ゆかた」です!いつか着てみた いです。


10. What is the plant that many Japanese elementary schools require you to grow and keep a log of its growth at home as part of your summer recess assignments?

I don't know... is it green bean or soy bean? I did the same thing too when I was a child, and the plant we grew was green bean

11. What is the biggest reason that Japanese schools give you homework for the summer recess?

Unlike Europe and America, September is not the beginning of the school year in Japan - instead another semester starts after summer recess. Therefore teachers give students some assignments or homework to do so that they won't forget what they have learned before summer.

12. Name a highly popular summer festival game.

Goldfish scooping! 試したいなぁ~でも金魚はかわいそうですね。

13. Does Japan practice Day Light Saving Time? Why/Why not?

Nope. I guess it's because Japan is too "long" (crossing from about 40°N to 30°N)

14. What are the two kinds of insect that Japanese kids (mostly boys) would like to catch in nature but often fail and end up buying in stores?

Something like hercules beetle or rhinoceros beetle? or cicada?
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