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(#58 (permalink))
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sunowaka (Offline)
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06-09-2010, 09:54 AM

Originally Posted by Makio View Post
sorry coz i'm still learning japanese hiragana and a little bit of kanji oni so i duno which kanji = yellow. Plus, i duno how yellow in hiragana called what so i tot that one you might understand so i just type in the chinese words. My japanese sensei only taught me the timing ( ex. kin yobi, moku yobi) those thing only so please forgive me ^^
my sir name is ( yellow )
my name is ( world ) i think it might be pronounce as " se kai "
so what name should it be ?
please help me out onegai shimasu !
Sorry I don't understand some abbreviations in your question.Therefor my answer might be mistake.

Yellow is 黄. 黄 is き or おう in hiragana.
World is 世界. 世界 is 世 is せ, 界 is かい in hiragana.
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