Originally Posted by Spencer
Thanks a lot for your replies guys
So far the voters don't seem to think she looks asian. But I am glad to hear you saying how you don't think she is totally white, that there is something different. It makes me feel a bit less nuts
And also that she is "hard to place" I agree with these comments and can't figure it out but theres something more exotic than the typical caucasian..I always thought that. I'm not surprised that you people don't think she loooks asian since the idea only came to me about a couple years after I first saw her.  Theres not a obvious asian look about her (if at all  ) But its the only race I can match her too even if I'm nuts to think it 
She has a rather narrow pointed nose which looks very caucasian. I suspect there is obviously some caucasian in her along with something else.
Edit: Oops meant to edit the last post sorry about that