Originally Posted by ishikawa
It's possible that she is a mixed asian kid and at the same time, she could easily be white or white mixed with something else. Other races that aren't Asian have somewhat similar features, which is what she could have been mixed withi.
Thank you, your post makes me feel less delusional than every one elses

I guess I will never know, but deep down I'll always suspect she is a
little bit asian

I don't know why, but I kinda like to think she is. I guess the exoticness of it is exciting to me

At the end of the day, it doesnt matter what race she is... so long a she is human, which I'm pretty sure she is
There was this part in the show where she was talking to someone talking about going to get japanese food, and she (girl in th screencaps) replies: "I LOOOVE Japanese food" and when watching that I remember wondering if that was a little sort of hint/tribute or whatever the word, at her hidden asian identity

Again, I could be just nuts. That was not what made me think she was asian in the first place, more what confirmed the notion in my mind a bit more...