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Nyororin (Offline)
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06-10-2010, 04:14 PM

Originally Posted by VitalStatistic View Post
I will be visiting Japan next month and will go to school for a few days with my host family and I wasn't sure if it was okay if I had dyed hair or not. I've always had it dyed since I can remember and I am going to have my hair redone before I go. I've researched some and saw that you can't wear make up or have you hair colored, etc. Just wanted to ask and see if anyone knew because I don't want the school officials getting upset with me about it.
If you are only going for a few days, I very much doubt they will expect you to follow the uniform code. Especially as chances are you`re not going to have a school uniform (another thing that is normally necessary for a student.)
I would follow the rules within reason - no makeup, jewelry, etc - but they`re not going to expect you to change everything for what is no more than a visit.

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