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Sashimister (Offline)
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06-10-2010, 05:27 PM

Originally Posted by berean315 View Post
Came across 中風 in reading some Japanese and it means paralysis. Was wondering how this came to be used for paralysis? Hard to figure out from the individual kanji.

中: middle. inside, center
風: wind, style, manner
Many Japanese medical terms come directly from traditional Chines medicine, which isn't exactly based on "science" at least by the modern-day standards.
This is the main reason that you will have nothing but difficulty if you just look at the individual kanji (and think of the meanings used only in present-day Japan).

中 here doesn't mean what you listed. It means "to get poisoned", "to have something foreign in you body that disagrees with it.", etc.

Same thing with 風. It simply doesn't mean what you listed. It's the same as 風邪 and it means that negative foreign thing that disagrees with your body.
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