Originally Posted by honoraryjapanesegirl
Awesome! That sounds cool! I've been looking to learn Japanese, and don't necessarily want to learn all the bad things first =.=' I, myself, am a Christian, and this would be quite helpful! I can't say I've seen anything like this before...
Thanks so much for posting!
Have a great day!
P.S. You said Harvest Time, do you happen to know if it's run by Harvest Ministries? Pastor Greg Laurie? Thanks! 
No problem. I hope you find it useful. Have you been studying Japanese for a little while? If you are just starting it may be pretty difficult to follow, but you'll at least get to hear the flow of spoken Japanese which is helpful.
It's not related to Harvest Ministires as far as I know. From the website it says it was started by a Japanese Pastor named Kenichi Nakagawa in Tokyo back in 1986.